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Relaxing Bath

Relax in the jacuzzi

Romantic, relaxing bath in spring water with the addition of aromatic oils. Jacuzzi for maximum 2 people / Session 30min / 60min-70 PLN / 100 PLN



We offer relaxing, rehabilitation, hot stone massage, face modeling or hot candle massage.

Price list and more information by e-mail.

Bath Salts and Soap

Brine bath

It normalizes blood pressure. It improves the regulation of blood circulation and stimulates blood circulation in the skin. It regulates the skin's metabolism and improves its immunity. For bathing we use concentration of Ustroń brine from 0.5 to 1.5%.

20min / 60 PLN screening


Dry sauna

Staying in a dry sauna primarily improves blood circulation and strengthens the heart. High temperature has a positive effect on the skin - the pores open, thanks to which the skin is cleansed of impurities, it becomes soft and smooth.

Session in a dry sauna for max 2 people. 60min / 50 PLN

Spa and Wellness

Beauty treatments

Treatments: Anti-cellulite and slimming treatments,

relaxing and revitalizing,

chocolate fantasy,

aromatic fantasy,

sugar peeling,

chocolate peeling

Spa Bath

Beer bath

The yeast in beer is a source of B vitamins: B1, B2, B5, B12. All B vitamins have a positive effect on the condition of the skin. Additionally, a glass of beer for free. Screening 30min./70 PLN

Luxury Hotel Spa Collection

Pearl bath

The treatment is a form of relaxation. It has a positive effect on reducing depressive states. The pearl bath dilates the capillaries and makes the skin smoother and firmer. The treatment helps in combating cellulite.

Screening 30min / 40 PLN


Tel: +48506171121 +48504060990

Drozdów 48- Ustroń Beskid Śląski

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